Curated by Unboxed Philanthropy Advisors (formerly Philanthropy Unbound), Philanthropy 100 is a list of people, organizations, and companies making a positive difference in our world. It is broken into four categories – Individuals, Non-Profit Organizations, Foundations, and Corporations.

Some on the list may challenge your assumptions on philanthropy. It is more than just financial contributions – it is love of humankind, and the desire to promote the welfare of others. This list highlights those who represent this in multiple ways – from dedicating a professional career and nurturing inclusive nextgen leadership, to thinking of creative ways to make substantial investments in social justice and civil rights reform. The corporations, foundations, organizations, and individuals listed represent different entry points into philanthropy that work together to produce a collective impact.



Akonadi Foundation



Akonadi Foundation’s mission is to support the development of powerful social change movements to eliminate structural racism. Akonadi invests in racial justice organizing and policy advocacy that will lead to enduring systems change, with a strategic emphasis on ending the criminalization of Black youth and youth of color in Oakland and Alameda County. Last year, Akonadi Foundation announced All in for Oakland, a five-year, $12.5 million initiative to end the criminalization of Black youth and youth of color in Oakland. You can read more about Akonadi Foundation here.


Annenberg Foundation



Established in 1989, the Annenberg Foundation is a family foundation that provides funding and support to nonprofit organizations in the United States and globally. As a grantmaker, the Annenberg Foundation is willing to take measured risks to seek out and fund outstanding people and organizations. The foundation understands the value of going beyond traditional grantmaking and being open to innovative ways to leverage grant funds. They give priority to nonprofit organizations serving the Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties that are well-integrated into the fabric of the communities they serve. You can read more about the Annenberg Foundation here.


Arcus Foundation



The Arcus Foundation serves as a leader in supporting social justice for LGBTQ+ people in the US and internationally. For 20 years, the Foundation has been working to ensure safety, protection, and acceptance for LGBTQ people, focusing on those pushed to the margins, including people of color, transgender people, refugees and migrants, and those living at the intersections of those identities. Recently, Arcus Foundation released a post looking back on some changes in how they provide grants. You can read more here.


Blue Meridian Partners


Blue Meridian is dedicated to scaling the reach, impact, and influence of promising solutions to the problems that trap young people and families in poverty. Anchored by its carefully tested, performance-based investing approach, Blue Meridian makes strategic, multi-year investments designed to open economic opportunity and equity pathways. Blue Meridian is currently adapting its strategy across five portfolios, which together support the comprehensive approaches required to foster an equitable recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. You can read more about Blue Meridian Partners here.


Channel Foundation



Channel Foundation promotes women’s human rights by funding intersecting streams of the global movement for gender equality. Channel believes that the empowerment of grassroots groups and partnership models of funding is the only truly effective pathways to achieving lasting social change. The foundation has been the fuel for various impactful efforts, all while honoring its vision of a world in which the feminist perspective is embraced. You can read more about Channel and its grantee spotlight stories, here.


Citizens Committee for New York City



As one of the nation’s oldest micro-funding organizations, Citizens Committee for New York City (CitizensNYC) provides support to community leaders on the front lines of change in their own neighborhoods. This year there has been a depth of need that could only be matched by New Yorkers coming together. CitizensNYC provided 402 projects with $1,179,334 in grants, impacting more than 87,685 residents in 122 neighborhoods across all five boroughs of New York City. Learn more here.


Congressional Black Caucus Foundation



Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) advances the global Black community by developing leaders, informing policy, and educating the public. CBCF envisions a world in which all communities have an equal voice in public policy through leadership cultivation, economic empowerment, and civic engagement. Recently, Donna Fisher-Lewis, co-interim president and CEO and senior vice president of resource development, along with Paul Dumars, co-interim president and CEO, CFO, and COO of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. (CBCF), released a statement on the jury decision on the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. You can read more about CBCF here.





Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS (DIFFA) raises awareness and grants funds to organizations that provide treatment, direct care services, preventive education programs, advocacy for individuals affected by HIV/AIDS, and societal plights that impact new HIV/AIDS infections. Mobilizing the resources of the design industry to raise awareness and funds, DIFFA has created legendary programs and events that highlight a cause that has significantly affected the industry for over three decades. Last year, in partnership with the ASID “Design Impacts Lives” Fund, DIFF A provided $50,000 in emergency grants to its grantees who have been working diligently throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. You can read more about DIFFA here.


ELMA Philanthropies



ELMA Philanthropies provides philanthropic advisory support for its partners in the United States, throughout the Caribbean, and in Africa and invests in high-impact organizations that further the objectives of its partners. From expanding immunization coverage for children to disaster response in the Caribbean, ELMA relies on evidence and evaluation to inform decision-making and influence policy and practice. Recently, ELMA and its partners have led the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in parts of Africa. You can read more about ELMA here.


FIA Foundation



The FIA Foundation is an independent UK registered charity that supports an international program of activities promoting road safety, the environment, and sustainable mobility, as well as funding motor sport safety research. With an international membership of motoring and road safety organizations and national motorsport associations, the Foundation works to ensure ‘Safe, Clean, Fair and Green mobility for all – playing their part to ensure a sustainable future. You can read more about the FIA Foundation here.


Groundswell Fund



For 15 years, Groundswell has modeled a remarkable kind of philanthropy – proving that solidarity and beloved community across lines of race, class, and gender is possible. Groundswell is one of the largest funders of women of color-led organizing in the United States, and the largest funder of the Reproductive Justice Movement. Designed by women of color and TGNC people of color – including many of the most prominent grassroots movement leaders of our time – Groundswell’s approach is thoughtful, sound, and well-aimed at the most promising and impactful organizations.


Latino Community Foundation



Latino Community Foundation (LCF) brings trust and love into philanthropy. They are reimagining what it looks like for each of us to recognize our own inherent ability to be a philanthropist. To date, LCF has created the largest network of Latino philanthropists in the country, invested more than $17M in 150 grassroots Latino-led nonprofits, and launched one of the most extensive campaigns to mobilize the Latino vote in California. LCF also hosts the Latino Nonprofit Accelerator, a groundbreaking capacity-building initiative giving grassroots organizations world-class branding and fundraising support. Recently, LCF released its annual report discussing 2020+. You can read more here.


Levi Strauss Foundation



The Levi Strauss Foundation’s work is grounded in the company’s values of originality, integrity, empathy, and courage. Its mission is to advance the human rights and well-being of underserved people. For more than 65 years, the Foundation has embraced the energy and events of our time to advance pioneering social change in the areas of HIV/AIDS, worker rights, worker well-being, and social justice. Last year, the Foundation committed $3 million to relief efforts, focusing on employees, community partners, and supply chain workers. You can read more about the Levi Strauss Foundation here.


The LIGHT Foundation



The LIGHT Foundation (TLF) aims to cultivate youth development and authentic learning experiences through fundamental opportunities, personal responsibility, and self-discipline values. TLF supports youth in Missouri and across the country by instilling leadership skills through learning opportunities, providing services that smaller nonprofits cannot afford, like video production, editing, and photography. In addition, TLF financially supports endeavors that ensure the continuity of services to children and families. Recently, at the height of the pandemic, TLF built a music studio so that the music therapists with Kids Rock Cancer could provide therapy to clients diagnosed with pediatric forms of cancer and blood disorders outside of the hospital setting. You can learn more about The Light Foundation here.


Marguerite Casey Foundation



The Marguerite Casey Foundation (MCF) supports leaders, scholars and initiatives focused on shifting the balance of power in society-building power for communities that continue to be excluded from shaping how society works and from sharing in its rewards and freedoms. The Foundation is unapologetic about its commitment to racial justice and other key principles of transformation. In May, MCF announced the launch of Answering the Uprising: Closing the Say/Do Gap in Philanthropy, an initiative that calls on philanthropic foundations to make a new level of commitment to the cause of ending police violence and mass incarceration. MCF kicked it off by increasing its giving by 5% – $1.6M – to fund programs and organizations that directly address racial injustice in policing and justice. You can read more about the initiative, here.


Meyer Memorial Trust



Meyer Memorial Trust was created by the late Fred G. Meyer, founder of a chain of retail stores bearing his name throughout the Pacific Northwest. Established in 1982, Meyer has awarded roughly $840 million in grants and program-related investments to more than 3,380 organizations in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Recently, in light of the pandemic, Meyer made a $1 million grant to fund the Oregon Community Recovery Grant program at Oregon Community Foundation, which is working to provide funds to nonprofit organizations in Oregon affected by the outbreak COVID-19 and several other COVID-19 relief opportunities. You can read more about the Trust here.


Minority Freedom Community Fund



Created in 2019, Minority Freedom Community Fund (MFCF) is a nonprofit organization that strives to improve the lives of African Americans through economic support, social programs, and holistic wellness. MFCF intentionally partners with civic leaders, business owners, and other nonprofits that can provide essential supports to the most vulnerable members of the community. You can read more about MFCF here.


MOBI (Mobilizing Our Brothers Initiative)



Mobilizing Our Brothers Initiative (MOBI) offers gay and queer people of color connectivity and community through tailored events, while also promoting wellness and personal development. Some of the organization’s signature programming includes MOBItalks – a professional development series for gay men – and MOBIfest – an interactive wellness experience that features and celebrates Black queer voices in fashion, music, visual arts, and media. You can learn more about MOBI here.


Seattle Foundation



Seattle Foundation guides philanthropists to make investments that directly address inequities and result in powerful change. With over $1 billion in charitable assets and committed bequests, Seattle Foundation awards more than $100 million annually to nonprofit organizations working to make Greater Seattle a stronger, more vibrant community for all. Recently, the Foundation launched the Black Future Co-op, which is the first Black-led philanthropy for Washington, generating renewed prosperity for Black people and Black communities across the state. The Fund is working diligently to carry forward its mission and build Black generational wealth, health, and well-being in the state of Washington. You can learn more about the Seattle Foundation and the Black Future Co-op here.


Skoll Foundation



Founded by Jeff Skoll in 1999, the Skoll Foundation catalyzes transformational social change by investing in, connecting, and championing social entrepreneurs and other social innovators who together advance bold and equitable solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. To support social entrepreneurs during the pandemic, the Skoll Foundation joined organizations in forming the COVID Response Alliance for Social Entrepreneurs. At the same time, they continued to ramp up their own response, addressing the challenges faced by communities around the world. Recently, the Skoll Foundation made a $100 million commitment to support the goals of President Biden’s COVID Summit. This new commitment, on top of a $100 million commitment in 2020, will continue the foundation’s work to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, and help strengthen health systems globally. You can read more about the Skoll Foundation here.


Solidaire Network



Solidaire works to fundamentally change economic, political, and cultural power systems by growing and nurturing a network of donor organizers to accompany social and racial justice movements. Solidaire envisions a world where racism, economic exploitation, and disregard for the wellbeing of the planet no longer destroy whole communities; a world where all people have the power to shape the decisions that affect their lives and flourish. The organization’s three-pronged strategy of donor engagement and activism, resource mobilization, and shifting new paradigms have provided opportunities for real movement and subsequent impact. Recently, Solidaire released highlights from what its Movement Protection Fund accomplished, which you can read about here.


The Soule Foundation



The SOULE Foundation supports, develops and promotes the educational advancement of LGBTQ+ Youth of Color through scholarships and other wrap-around services. The SOULE Foundation started as an extension of SOULE, a multimedia organization dedicated to representing, connecting and empowering the Black LGBTQ+ community. As important as our youth are, The SOULE Foundation has recognized the imperative need to ensure their viability, mental sustainability and success. Learn more here.


Trans Justice Funding Project



The Trans Justice Funding Project was founded to support grassroots, trans justice groups that trans people run in the U.S. The organization also uses a community-led grant-making model. This model allows Trans Justice Funding Project to support trans leadership and further the work around racism, economic injustice, transmisogyny, and other intersecting oppressions. In less than a decade, Trans Justice Funding Project has distributed more than $5.6 million dollars to further trans justice work. You can read more about the Trans Justice Funding Project here.


UNFCU Foundation



UNFCU Foundation is a New York-based non-profit organization with a mission to sustain the path out of poverty through healthcare and education for women and children. The Foundation is closely aligned with the goals of the United Nations and other charities and NGOs specializing in efforts to improve the lives of women and children. It supports organizations and initiatives that work to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, empower women and youth by offering them opportunities for self-development, economic advancement, and opportunities to support well-being. You can read more about UNFCU Foundation here.


Wellspring Philanthropic Fund



Wellspring Philanthropic Fund (WPF) supports the realization of human rights and social and economic justice for all people. Its work is rooted in promoting the realization of human rights and access to economic and social justice – including racial, gender, and economic justice. WPF focus on elevating and expanding the voices, dignity and interests of the most marginalized and vulnerable communities, including people living in poverty, people of color, people with disabilities, LGBTQ+ people, and people affected by armed conflict and mass atrocities. You can read more about WPF here.






In August 2021, Apple announced $30 million in new commitments as part of its Racial Equity and Justice Initiative (REJI), supporting students, innovators, and advocacy organizations that are leading the charge in creating a more inclusive and just world. These new projects include a Global Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) Equity Innovation Hub; expanded education initiatives for community colleges and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); a new cohort of the Apple Entrepreneur Camp immersive tech lab for Hispanic/Latinx founders and developers; and funding for leaders working to advance criminal justice reform and environmental justice. These new commitments build on Apple’s $100 million initial investment in REJI, and will help elevate equity-focused solutions across the academic and advocacy landscapes. As 60% of undergraduate students at HSIs and HBCUs are Hispanic/Latinx or Black, Apple’s new projects will help equip the next generation of students and leaders to dismantle structures that perpetuate inequities and institutional racism. You can read more about Apple’s racial equity initiatives here.


Athletes for Impact



Athletes for Impact (A4I) bridges sports with activism, connecting athletes with leading grassroots organizations. Founded in 2016, A4I seeks to inform and inspire people to take action on important social issues by leveraging athletes and their platforms. Some issues A4I brings awareness to include education, LGBTQ+ and equal rights, police violence, climate change, mass incarceration, and human trafficking. Learn more about A4I here.


Bank of America



As one of the top financial institutions, Bank of America partners with nonprofits, local governments, and cultural institutions that boost job skills, provide affordable housing, and improve the economic outlook for citizens. Their support helps amplify organizational effort and success. They recently established an ESG-themed Issuance Framework to enhance its issuances of green, social, and sustainability bonds and other ESG securities by Bank of America or any of its subsidiaries. The Framework builds upon last year’s $2 billion Equality Progress Sustainability Bond issuance designed to advance racial equality, economic opportunity, and environmental sustainability. You can read more here.


Capital One


Capital One’s mission is to change banking through humanity, ingenuity and simplicity. In 2020, Capital One announced the launch of the Capital One Impact Initiative. The Initiative advances socioeconomic mobility by advocating for an inclusive society; building thriving communities; and creating financial tools that enrich lives. It is fueled by an initial $200 million multi-year commitment to catalyze economic growth in low-income and moderate-income communities; and close gaps in equity and opportunity. These efforts build upon Capital One’s recent $10 million commitment to organizations that are advancing the cause of social justice for Black communities, and their $50 million commitment to address economic dislocation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. You can read more about the commitment here.



Coca Cola



Coca Cola has been working to support communities worldwide, both in its corporate office and philanthropic arm. Since its inception in 1984, The Coca Cola Foundation has awarded more than $1 billion in grants to support sustainable community initiatives around the world. The Coca-Cola Company is committed to giving back 1% of its prior year’s operating income year over year. In 2020, it contributed more than $186 million – more than any previous year – to directly benefit approximately 432 organizations across 154 countries and territories. Contributions include $139 million from The Coca-Cola Foundation and $47 million from The Coca-Cola Company. You can read more about Coca Cola’s various philanthropic initiatives here.





Dermalogica has been empowering womxn through education to become strong, independent leaders of tomorrow. They have assisted in bridging the gap in education by providing resources to girls in underserved communities and inspiring young womxn to explore different career paths through professional mentorship. Dermalogica believes that when a girl is educated, she dreams bigger, is more confident, and can maximize her full potential. You can read more about Dermalogica’s social impact here.





Through financial contributions, collaborating with nonprofit organizations, in-kind gifts, and employee volunteerism, Disney has brought positive, lasting change to communities worldwide. Disney’s impact is vast. In 2020, Disney gave $333.1 million in cash and in-kind donations to nonprofit organizations that brought comfort, inspiration, and opportunity to kids, families, and communities worldwide. You can read more about Disney’s philanthropic efforts here.


Eileen Fisher



Eileen Fisher’s company fabric has always been human-centric. In 1997, when sweatshops were in the headlines and labor standards such as SA8000 were just being written, Amy Hall took on the task of shaping Eileen Fisher’s Social Consciousness department. The department’s work has expanded across the years and extends across the company—from marketing to manufacturing, from design to finance. Currently, the Social Consciousness team oversees the Supporting Women in Environmental Justice grant program and partners with its retail events team to coordinate philanthropic store events. Eileen believes that by helping women find their voices, they become climate leaders. You can read more about this initiative, and many more, here.


Fearless Fund



The Fearless Fund was built by women with the sole purpose of investing in women of color led businesses seeking pre-seed, seed level or series A financing. The mission of the fund is to bridge the gap in venture capital funding for women of color founders building scalable, growth aggressive companies. Through their Foundation, they also offer grant programs for businesses, educational entrepreneurial programs and college scholarships. Recently, the Fearless Fund partnered with the Tory Burch Foundation to invest in women of color led businesses.You can read more about the Fund here.


Goldman Sachs



Through Goldman Sachs Gives, Goldman Sachs has fostered innovative ideas, solved economic and social issues, and enabled progress in underserved communities globally. Through a donor-advised fund, Goldman Sachs’ current and retired senior employees work together to recommend grants to qualifying nonprofit organizations to help them achieve their goals. Goldman Sachs Gives made nearly $1.8 billion in grants and partnered with 8,000 nonprofits in 100 countries worldwide. Over the pandemic, the firm’s Goldman Sachs relief fund provided assistance to 370+ organizations. You can read more about Goldman Sachs Gives here.





Gucci has been expanding its impact on and off the fashion scene. Gucci Equilibrium is a commitment to generate positive change for people and our planet. With Gucci Equilibrium, Gucci is reducing its environmental impact and protecting nature while also prioritizing inclusivity and respect. Recently, Gucci announced that its North America Changemakers Impact Fund and Scholarship Program is now open to 2022 applicants. Organizations and individuals in 12 cities are invited to register their community projects for the third year in a row. You can read more here.


Heal Haus



HealHaus combines diverse healing modalities and practitioners under one roof to provide people with an inclusive space focused on holistic health and wellness. The organizatiion is committed to building a community that is dedicated to changing the stigma attached to healing. In a time where people feel more isolated and separate than ever, Healhaus is providing classes and a shared space of health. Through its Therapy Fund, HealHaus serves as a tool to bring individual talk therapy opportunities to the Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) community. With 1 in 5 adults in the US experiencing mental illness every year, and racial and ethnic minority groups being less likely to receive mental health care, this makes the initiative more necessary than ever. You can read more about Healhaus here.


Leverage Philanthropic Partners



Leverage Philanthropic Partners focuses on changing the resources, rules, and stories that inhibit equity. The firm is an Indigenous and Black-led U.S.-based global consulting firm that seeks to create space for individual and institutional transformation. It advances ideas and practices of belonging, inclusion, and justice. Since 2011, Leverage Philanthropic Partners has advanced social impact by providing transformative capacity building across the public and private sectors. You can read more here.


Momentum Education


Momentum Education has been a prominent organization for both personal development, professional development, skill-building, coaching and charitable giving for two decades.

We prominently and powerfully move people to where they want to be in life through an innovative set of tools and experiential curriculum, which is highly impactful for in-person trainings and virtual offerings alike. Our coaches are renowned for their ability to nudge clients to leap over boundaries, push their personal limits and go the extra mile until the results start to surface. Not only have we proudly served over 30,000 graduates to date, but we’ve reunited families, healed relationships, helped our people get promoted, watched our community climb higher than they thought possible, helped our people earn millions, watched our people form businesses and so, so much more.

Momentum fuels the potential of each client through a balance of challenging, awakening, rejuvenating and life-enhancing exercises that successfully moves them to the next step in life. It’s like pressing a button that upgrades your life, while also improving your perspective, mood, energy and confidence. Experience Momentum for yourself to see what you’re really capable of. Learn more here.


Moore Philanthropy



Founded by Yvonne Moore, Moore Philanthropy is a Black-owned advisory firm that serves the needs of families, individuals, and institutions and has an intentional and demonstrated commitment to serving the African Diaspora and building the wealth and influence of communities of color. Over the years, Moore Philanthropy has worked to help others create lasting solutions for social change through philanthropy. You can read more about Moore Philanthropy here.





Nordgreen is a watch company based in Copenhagen. A portion of the proceeds of every watch sold is distributed among their partner NGOs. Throughout the past year, Nordgreen has continuously invited community and stakeholders to participate in their charitable initiatives across their various markets. In addition, Nordgreen is committed to sustainability. They are carbon neutral, practice responsibly manufacturing, and support organizations dedicated to human rights and environmentalism through its Give Back program. You can read more about Nordgreen’s philanthropy here.





Founded by professional surfer Kelly Slater, Outerknown is a sustainable lifestyle brand that partnered with Ocean Conservancy in 2017 to launch the “It’s Not OK!” campaign, a giveback program designed to bring awareness to environmental issues. Since the conclusion of that campaign partnership, Outerknown has continued to support Ocean Conservancy. Ocean Conservancy seeks solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it. Today, Ocean Conservancy works with millions of volunteers of all ages, from all around the world, on its International Coastal Cleanup—something its been doing for more than 30 years. The organization brings people, science, and policy together to champion innovative solutions and fight for a sustainable ocean. Recently, the Conservancy released a statement on the passage of the Build Back Better Act. You can read more about Ocean Conservancy here.


Pret A Manger



Pret’s philanthropic arm, the Pret Foundation, works with shelters and food banks to feed those in need. It has worked diligently to help alleviate poverty, hunger, and homelessness. What started out as just a handful of donated sandwiches from Pret’s very first shop in London has now grown to millions of food items donated across cities around the world. The Pret Foundation partners with local food rescue organizations in each city that Pret operates in. You can read more about the Pret Foundation’s initiatives and partners here.





Resilia, a name representing a commitment to positive impact, is the only SaaS platform solution that enables nonprofits to increase capacity and funders to go beyond the grant with technical assistance, coaching, and capacity-building support. They meet changemakers where they are and have worked diligently to strengthen and uplift nonprofit organizations by elevating their stories, driving advocacy efforts, and prioritizing underserved populations through long-term capacity building. You can read more about Resilia, here.





Just like their watches, Rolex’s contribution to future generations spans the test of time. One example of this is Rolex’s Perpetual Planet initiative. Through the initiative, Rolex has continuously supported those who go above and beyond to safeguard and preserve our planet for generations to come, and showcases all of what the world has to offer You can read more about the Perpetual Planet initiative here, as well as watch the associated content.


Sugaring Brooklyn



Sugaring Brooklyn is a gender-affirming body-positive salon founded by Natalie Venus De Hull. The company aims to provide a safe space where all bodies are respected. To achieve their mission, Sugaring Brooklyn created The Sugar Fund – a fund that both Sugaring Brooklyn and its customers donate to make Sugaring services more accessible for those who cannot afford them. Clients who pay the full price can contribute, and the company donates 10% of every week’s profit to the Fund. This Fund pays for 25% to 50% of services for folks in need. You can read more about the Fund here.





Target’s philanthropic efforts are rooted in the company’s purpose of helping all families discover the joy of everyday life and its values of optimism, inclusivity, and connection. Target has used philanthropy, through the Target Foundation, to address some of the toughest social and environmental challenges in our communities. The Foundation has invested in transformational and catalytic efforts that have reshaped economic and social systems in its hometown community of Minneapolis-St. Paul, throughout the United States and the world. Recently, Target unveiled Target Forward, the company’s new sustainability strategy to impact both people and the planet positively. You can read more about the initiative here.


Thirteen Lune



Beauty entrepreneur, Nyakio Grieco, is the co-founder of thirteen lune – an online beauty retail platform where 90 percent of the products are created by Black and Brown founders. With two decades of experience in the beauty business, Grieco sought to establish a community that elevates founders of color and helps to address the larger issue of systemic racism. By highlighting beauty brands that traditionally would not have been featured in the marketplace, thirteen lune provides an opportunity for Black and Brown creators to share their products with all people. Learn more about Nyakio Grieco and thirteen lune here.


Thrive Market



When the pandemic prevented many from receiving food, Thrive Market prioritized sending groceries to thousands in need while committing to a climate positive future for our planet. In March of 2020, Thrive Market launched their COVID-19 Relief Fund, a collection set up to send healthy groceries to those most affected by the pandemic. In April, Thrive Market’s Co-Founder & CEO, Nick Green, donated the remainder of his 2020 salary to the COVID-19 Relief Fund to ensure that every family who applied could receive support. With its efforts, Thrive Market was able to help 31,000 people and their families. You can learn more here.





WeSolar’s mission is to bring under-resourced communities affordable access to local community solar and to assist commercial properties with energy efficiency. WeSolar launched in Baltimore and will expand to other cities in the future. Through WeSolar, electricity consumers can purchase shared solar from a local project without having to install any equipment in their homes. In turn, residents save hundreds on their electricity bills. In Maryland, lawmakers passed legislation that states 50 percent of its electricity must come from renewable energy sources by 2030. The CEO, Kristal Hansley, and her team are disrupters who advocate that communities of color and low-income communities be included in this shift and have a healthy environment in the future. Learn more here.



All Home



All Home advances regional solutions that disrupt the cycles of poverty and homelessness and create more economic mobility opportunities for extremely low-income (ELI) people in all nine Bay Area counties. Recently, leaders from across the Bay Area, convened by All Home, gathered to create a Regional Action Plan (RAP) that will reduce unsheltered homelessness by 75%. The plan reflects a year of collaboration in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic by key policymakers, stakeholders, and people with lived experience. They identify new solutions that will provide housing options for people in the region who are currently homeless and dramatically reduce the number of people entering homelessness going forward. You can read more about All Home and the Regional Action Plan here.


Black Cooperative Investment Fund



Black Cooperative Investment Fund (BCIF) is a community-based organization rooted in self-help economics. They provide microloans to the Black community through pooled dollars, and they raise awareness about the importance of economic empowerment, equity, and wealth-building for the Black community. With a focus on the Southern California region, BCIF seeks to create social change for the Black community by supporting strategies to build assets and wealth. You can read more about BCIF here.


CBTEL – Coalition for Black Trans Economic Liberation


The Coalition for Black Trans Economic Liberation (CBTEL) was created for and by Black, transgender Philadelphians. The mission of CBTEL is to redistribute wealth, in its many forms, to increase resources to Black LGBTQ+ people in Philadelphia. The organization strives to be a continuous source of monetary, physical, and material resources for the Black members of the organization. Non-Black members of CBTEL work to shrink the impossibly large social, economic, and spiritual debt owed to their Black, transgender, and LGBTQ+ neighbors. The Coalition operates under the direction of the Black, transgender founders while the non-Black group facilitators are entirely volunteering and responsible for most of the organizational and maintenance work. You can learn more about CBTEL here.


Colibrí Center for Human Rights



Colibrí Center for Human Rights works with families of disappeared migrants to identify and honor those who have lost their lives on the US-Mexico border. Colibrí’s Missing Migrant Project and DNA Program work with medical examiners and families of the missing to bring hope and answers. Beyond forensic justice work, Colibrí also created The Family Network – a community of families and friends of missing migrants across the Americas that offer support and solidarity. Since its inception, Colibrí has facilitated the identification of 204 people, with more than half identified through DNA. You can learn more about the Colibri Center for Human Rights here.


Collective Future Fund



The Collective Future Fund brings together social justice movements, survivors, and donors to heal, resource, and mobilize to shape a collective future free from all forms of patriarchal violence. It prioritizes support for work led by survivors, Black, Indigenous, and womxn of color, queer, trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming people of color, people of color with disabilities, and im/migrants, who are cultivating community, building impactful movements, and sustaining transformational work. You can read more about the Collective Future Fund here.


Comida Pal Pueblo

NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION | @comidapalpueblo


Comida Pal Pueblo is an initiative collectively led by three Bushwick-based grassroots organizations, New York Boricua Resistance (NYBR), G-Rebls, and Mi Casa Resiste. They work to distribute free fresh produce, non-perishables, prepared meals, PPE, toiletries, and other essential items based on a bi-weekly basis in Bushwick, NY. This mutual aid effort organized by Bushwick natives and residents allows the beginning of creating a safer, more self-sustaining community. Comida Pal Pueblo’s goal is to provide ongoing support as they assess needs and systemize sustainable ways of redistributing resources. You can read more and donate here.


Doing Good Work in Africa



Launched during the COVID-19 pandemic, Doing Good Work in Africa (DOWA) connects U.S. university students to Africa-based organizations and corporations doing scalable and impactful work in Africa. In just under two years, DOWA has deployed more than 50 interns to close to a dozen different African countries. Universities represented by past interns include Berkeley, Brown, Cornell University, Harvard, Texas A&M University, and the University of Pennsylvania. You can learn more about Doing Good Work in Africa here.





FELT, which stands for “friends engaging and learning together,” was founded in 2017. It operates solely on the volunteer efforts of a community of women dedicated to supporting immigrants and refugees in New York through free English language courses. FELT also offers a variety of workshops and resources, including high school equivalency exam prep, The HeartFelt voices – which allows immigrants and refugees to share through song, and forthcoming classes on personal wellness. You can learn more about FELT here.


Gifting Sense



Gifting Sense is a free online service that prepares children for personal finance. Gifting Sense teaches children to think before they buy through hands-on, interactive, web-based workshops. The online service’s Does It Make Sense?® calculator, which generates a score on whether or not an item is a smart purchase or investment, has calculated nearly 10,000 scores to date. It helps prepare children to be economically independent. You can learn more about Gifting Sense here.


Global Philanthropy Project



Global Philanthropy Project (GPP) was founded in 2009. It is an international cohort of funders and philanthropic professionals working to increase the number of funding resources available to support global LGBTQI issues. GPP has been a thought leader on the most pressing issues impacting the LGBTQI communities and has worked to challenge the marginalization of LGBTQI communities in accessing humanitarian and relief funds. Recently GPP played a key role in illuminating the impact of COVID-19 on LGBTQI communities. You can learn more about GPP here.





HOLLA is a grassroots culturally responsive mentorship movement that exists to change the narrative of youth of color through culturally responsive relationships. Founded seven years ago by Executive Director Eric Knox, HOLLA exists to empower students of color in Portland. HOLLA’s programs provide representation, equity, and a wide range of supports for mentees and their families. Beneficiaries of the program are connected to educational supports, mental health, athletics, food, clothing, housing, and more. You can read more about HOLLA here.


Human Rights Campaign



The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) aims to end discrimination against LGBTQ+ people and realize a world that achieves equality for all. Established in 1980, HRC’s work centers on mobilization, education, and advocacy. Most recently, HRC, through grassroots efforts, recruited 4,200 volunteers to register more than 32,000 voters for the 2018 and 2020 elections. The campaign’s goal was to fight anti-LGBTQ+ initiatives and fuel pro-equality candidates and initiatives. You can read more about HRC here.


Human Rights Funders Network



Founded in 1994, Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN) strives to advance human rights through philanthropy. With a network of more than 400 organizations spanning 70 countries, HRFN offers collaboration, resources, and education, all with the hopes of supporting funders through human rights grantmaking. Learn more about HRFN here.


I Am, We Are Youth



Founded in 2015, I Am, We Are (IAWA) strives to empower youth across Africa and the African Diaspora with the tools to own their futures confidently. This July, I Am, We Are launched a new, cross-cultural, immersive virtual experience for youth in South Africa and the US. The Morafe Leadership Development Programme is an abbreviated version of IAWA’s core curriculum. The program focuses on developing life skills, leadership abilities, and strong cross-cultural relationships to help young students achieve their goals and become global leaders. For the program, IAWA recruited 10th graders in the Royal Bafokeng Nation, South Africa, and Prince George’s County, Maryland, United States to join. Morafe, a Setswana word that translates into English as community, aspires to instill self-awareness in the students, stretch their vision of what they can become, and teach them how to apply entrepreneurial principles to create the future they envision for themselves. The Morafe program will expand over the next three years. You can read more about IAWA here.


Kids In The Spotlight



Kids In The Spotlight (KITS) is an organization that offers foster care youth a platform to tell their stories, heal, and overcome trauma. KITS partners with entertainment industry professionals to provide 15-week filmmaking programs all year round at foster residential facilities and partnering agencies throughout Southern California. Through the program, the youth learn to write, cast, and star in their own short films. Since its inception in 2009, KITS has produced more than 80 films. You can learn more about KITS here.


Memphis Music Initiative



Memphis Music Initiative (MMI) uses music to engage youth of color to overcome obstacles. In addition to sustaining in-school music education programs through its Music Engagement Teaching Fellowship, and expanding high-quality, out-of-school time programs, MMI also invests in effective organizations through grantmaking and capacity building. In December 2020, MMI hosted its first-ever virtual fundraising arts showcase, MMIxTape Live. The event featured performances from MMI youth and students and Fellows from its in-Schools program. You can learn more about Memphis Music Initiative here.





NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness and works to educate, advocate, listen, and lead to improving the lives of people with mental illness and their loved ones. Since its inception in 1979, NAMI has grown to be the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization with more than 600 local affiliates. The Center for Disease Control recently added mental health illnesses, including depression, to its list of health conditions that make people of any age more likely to become severely ill from COVID-19. You can read more about NAMI here.


National Birth Equity Collaborative



National Birth Equity Collaborative (NBEC) focuses on the sexual reproductive health and wellbeing of Black women and birthing people worldwide. The organization was founded in 2015 by OB/GYN Dr. Joia Crear-Perry, to combat the increasing rate of infant mortality in Black and Brown populations. Since then, NBEC has broadened its mission to center on the mother’s and the infant’s experience. Leaning heavily on evidence-based research, NBEC informs policy and offers training, technical assistance, and business development to achieve global health equity. You can read more about NBEC here.


Native Americans in Philanthropy



Native Americans in Philanthropy (NAP) promotes equitable and effective philanthropy in Native communities through education and advocacy. With more than 30 years in the philanthropic space, NAP is the only Native-led organization in the U.S. focused on the philanthropic sector. Over the years, NAP has advocated for the protection of tribal sovereignty, land and water rights, women’s rights, Native youth leadership, and Native inter-generational healing. You can read more about NAP here.


Native Ways Federation



The Native Ways Federation (NWF) was founded in 2006 by seven Native-led nonprofit organizations. Through education and advocacy, NWF bolsters informed giving to nonprofits in Indian Country. Learn more about NSW here.


Out in Tech



Out in Tech serves as the bridge between the LGBTQ+ community and the tech innovation. By creating opportunities for its 40,000-member community to advance their careers, grow their networks, and leverage tech for change, Out in Tech works to ensure all are seen and heard in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Two of Out in Tech’s programs include Digital Corps and Out in Tech U. Digital Corps provides web services to LGBTQ+ activists and social entrepreneurs worldwide, while Out in Tech U focuses on the next generation of tech professionals offering mentorship and professional skills. You can read more about Out in Tech here.


Project Go Dark



Project Go Dark Inc. (PGD) works with predominantly Black institutions to develop programming relative to all aspects of the music business. They offer professional preparation programs to college students and adult career seekers, leading to lucrative careers in the music industry. In addition, they aim to develop pre-college programs for high school students interested in becoming music artists and music industry professionals and establish a national network of youth-targeted music exposure programs allowing young people to explore their talents and interests. Currently, PGD has inducted its first cohort music industry pipeline via a workforce development program dedicated to finding and empowering the brightest minds from our nation’s predominantly Black institutions for careers across all aspects of music. You can read more about Project Go Dark here.


Gathering for Justice



The Gathering for Justice’s mission is to build a movement to end child incarceration while working to eliminate the racial inequities that permeate the justice system. Founded by Harry Belafonte in 2005 and led since 2010 by Carmen Perez, The Gathering utilizes nonviolence as a social application for change and civic engagement. The organization provides direct services, engages artists and cultural leaders in grassroots mobilization, and consults and advises on legislative and policy initiatives while organizing local and national communities. You can read more about the Gathering for Justice here.


The Real Urban Emissions (TRUE) Initiative



The Real Urban Emissions (TRUE) Initiative is a partnership of the FIA Foundation and the International Council on Clean Transportation with a shared interest in cleaning up vehicles and improving urban air quality. TRUE is working to collect and publish real-world emissions data to raise awareness about the magnitude and scope of excess vehicle emissions, support City efforts to inform consumers with transparent emissions data, and support effective policy. Thankfully, TRUE isn’t the only organization cognizant of air quality. Recently, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has updated its Global Air Quality Guidelines (AQGs) to identify air quality levels necessary to protect public health worldwide. You can read more about TRUE here.


Whetstone Radio Collective



The Whetstone Radio Collective features over a dozen podcasts that focus on global gastronomy and food origin stories from around the world. It serves as a means of reclamation in that it captures the voices and stories of those that have been omitted, corrects historical records, and provides a platform for new stories to be shared and heard. You can learn more about the Whetstone Radio Collective here.



Arlan Hamilton



Arlan Hamilton is the Founder and Managing Partner of Backstage Capital, a fund investing in high-potential people of color, women, and LGBTQ+ founders. Arlan built the venture capital fund from the ground up while homeless. Today, Backstage Capital has raised more than $15 million and has invested in more than 180 companies led by underrepresented founders. Arlan is also the author of the book “It’s About Damn Time: How to Turn Being Underestimated Into Your Greatest Advantage.” Learn more about Arlan’s work here.





Common is a Grammy, Emmy, and Academy award-winning rapper, actor, and author in addition to being an activist. In 2012, he founded the Common Ground Foundation alongside his mother, Dr. Mahalia Hines. The Foundation offers programming that encourages academic success in the youth, while inspiring them to dream, create, and enact change. Common also founded Imagine Justice which develops projects centered on criminal justice reform. Recently, he used his platform and nonprofit to shed light on the needs of the nation’s incarcerated population in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more here.


Desiree Flores



A leader in the philanthropic sector with more than 20 years of grantmaking and program development experience, Desiree Flores is currently the U.S. Social Justice Program Director at the Arcus Foundation. Over the years, Desiree has focused her work on LGBTQ issues, reproductive justice, and school-based sexuality education. Desiree is committed to ensuring that the United States’ most vulnerable populations have access to opportunity and experience equality. Learn more about Desiree’s work here.


Halima Aden



Halima Aden is a Somali-American supermodel and activist born in a Kenyan refugee camp. She has become a pioneering figure for shining a spotlight on social issues, including human rights, race, and diversity in the fashion industry. Halima also served as a UNICEF ambassador from 2018 – 2020. As an ambassador, Halima used her platform to advocate for children’s rights, bringing awareness to programs that save and protect the lives of children. Learn more about Halima’s work here.


Jaden Smith



Jaden Smith is an actor, rapper, and son of Hollywood power couple, Will and Jada Smith. At age 15, Jaden became the co-founder of Just Water – a 100% natural spring water brand packaged in a nearly 90% plant-derived carton. The packaging also allows for more bottles to fit in a single truck, cutting down on pollution. Just Water is a benefit corporation meaning it is legally bound to account for its impact on its employees, consumers, community, and the environment. Learn more about Just Water here.


Joanna Kong



An attorney by trade, Joanna Kong is the Director of Programs at The Sun Family Foundation – a private charitable foundation focused on advancing educational opportunities and the well-being of the underserved in Orange County and Taiwan. Since joining the Foundation in 2018, Joanna has helped to expand the Sun Family Foundation’s grantmaking to include more than 40 local nonprofit organizations and five scholarship programs. She is also the Membership Chair and Advisory Board Member of Orange County Grantmakers and Co-Chair of Asian American Futures, which is passionate about cultivating philanthropy and driving resources to the AAPI community. Learn about Joanna’s work here.


Kimberly O’Neil



Kimberly O’Neil is the founder and CEO of Giving Blueprint – a company increasing community engagement through social business development, strategic partnerships, advocacy, and civic education – and creator of Cause Studio. This collaborative, nonprofit initiative provides cost-friendly training and resources to help reduce the number of failing startup nonprofit organizations. In addition, she has mentored organizations that resulted in more than $1 million in revenue annually since 2015. As an authority in the nonprofit space, Kimberly O’Neil has been sought after, recognized, and awarded for her leadership and innovation. Learn more about Kimberly and her work here.


Lawrence O’Donnell



Lawrence O’Donnell is the host of MSNBC.’s The Last Word. O’Donnell partnered with UNICEF to create the K.I.N.D. – Kids in Need of Desks – fund in 2010, which benefits students in Malawi. More than half of the population lives on less than two dollars a day, and the cost of education is not free. So the organization works to deliver desks to students to aid in their learning. It also provides scholarships for Malawian girls’ secondary education. The fund has benefitted more than 10,000 young girls and counting and has delivered desks for close to one million students. Learn more about Lawrence’s work with the K.I.N.D. Fund here.


Marcus Littles



After the devastation of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Marcus Littles founded Frontline Solutions to advise philanthropists on a multi-billion-dollar investment in Gulf Coast recovery. Today, Frontline Solutions is one of the foremost, Black-owned management consulting firms working closely with nonprofits, foundations, and enterprises. Marcus is passionate about equality and is in constant pursuit of racial justice. He has written and contributed to several publications, and he serves on a number of boards of social impact organizations. Learn more about Marcus’ work here.


Maria Scarvalone


Award-winning reporter: Reports won a Regional Edward R. Murrow Award, a New York Press Club award, a National Headliner Award, and a New York Festivals Award. Produced and reported in settings ranging (sometimes within the same month) from Sing Sing prison to the United Nations; from homeless shelters to the Indonesian presidential palace; and from the American Heartland to Bosnia (during the war), Australia, Canada, Russia, New Zealand and Indonesia. Learn more here.


Mike Roberts



Michael E. Roberts is the President and CEO of First Nations Development Institute, which improves economic conditions for Native Americans through direct financial grants, technical assistance and training, and advocacy and policy. Michael is also chairman of the Board of First Nations Oweesta Corporation and is on the Steering Committee of the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders Network. Appointed in 2018, Mike is one of 14 trustees of the new $266 million Native American Agriculture Fund – created as an outgrowth of the Keepseagle v. Vilsack case and based on discrimination against Native American farmers and ranchers in the US Department of Agriculture Farm and Ranch Loan program. Learn more about Michael’s work here.


Misty Copeland



Best known as a Principal Dancer with the American Ballet Theatre, and the first Black woman to be elevated to the position in the company’s 75-year history, Misty Copeland is also an avid philanthropist. She has worked with many charitable organizations, including the Boys & Girls Club of America, of which she is an alum. Misty is also an ambassador of MindLeaps, a Rwandan-based organization that creates educational paths for the world’s most vulnerable children through a creative arts program. In November 2014, Misty received an honorary doctorate from the University of Hartford for her contributions to classical ballet and for helping to diversify the art form. Learn more about Misty’s work here.


Nikole Hannah-Jones



Nikole Hannah-Jones is an award-winning investigative reporter who covers civil rights and racial injustice for The New York Times Magazine. She is also the creator of the 1619 Project. Launched in 2019, it commemorates the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in colonial Virginia 400 years ago. The 1619 project works to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of Black Americans at the center of the national narrative. Nikole also co-founded the Ida B. Wells Society for Investigative Reporting in 2016, which focuses on increasing the numbers of investigative reporters of color. In 2021, Nikole was named one of the “Time 100” most influential people. You can learn more about Nikole’s work here.


Nick Tilsen



Nick Tilsen is the founder, President, and CEO of NDN Collective, an Indigenous-led organization dedicated to building Indigenous power. Nick founded NDN Collective to scale place-based solutions while building needed philanthropic, social impact investment, capacity, and advocacy infrastructure geared towards building the collective power of Indigenous Peoples. Learn more about Nick’s work here.


Paul Rudd



Paul Rudd – an American actor, screenwriter, and producer – is one of the founders of The Big Slick. Created in 2010, the charity is an annual, star-studded, sports-focused event that supports Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City. To date, the event has raised more than $13 million. Rudd is also a supporter of SAY, the Stuttering Association for the Young. He became an advocate for stuttering awareness after portraying a character who stutters in a Broadway play. Since 2011, Rudd has hosted a bowling benefit to help empower, educate, and support young people who stutter. Learn more about Paul’s work here.


Ramatu Bangura



Dr. Ramatu Bangura is the Executive Director of the Children’s Rights Innovation Fund – an organization that supports efforts to transform global children’s rights. For more than two decades, Ramatu has been working with and on behalf of adolescent girls and youth in New York City, Washington D.C., and in Costa Rica as a Peace Corps volunteer. Throughout her career, Ramatu has engaged in organizing and advocacy on issues including early and forced marriage, sexual violence, trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation, and educational access for English language learners. Learn more about Ramatu here.


Ron Finley



Ron Finley was cited in 2010 for planting vegetables in a neglected dirt patch near his home in South Central Los Angeles. He started a petition demanding the right to garden and grow food in his neighborhood and won – resulting in the Ron Finley Project. The initiative teaches communities how to regenerate lands into creative business models and create access to healthy food options in a geographic location where such options are extremely limited or nonexistent. Learn more about Ron’s work here.


Selena Gomez



Selena Gomez is an American singer, actress, and producer. She also launched the Rare Impact Fund under her beauty line, Rare Beauty, in 2020. One percent of all Rare Beauty sales support the Rare Impact Fund, which helps give people access to mental health resources, focusing on underserved communities. Through Rare Beauty, other fundraising efforts, and her ever-growing platform, Selena hopes to raise $100M over the next ten years to help give people access to mental health services. Learn more about Selena’s work here.


Serena Williams



Serena Williams is a world-renowned tennis champion, entrepreneur, designer, and philanthropist, supporting several organizations worldwide. The Yetunde Price Resource Center, for example, was started by the Williams family and ensures that those affected by trauma have the necessary resources. The Center provides services that promote healing and resiliency for families who have been impacted by violence. Recently, Serena teamed up with BELLA+CANVAS on the Masks for Kids campaign. Together, they donated more than 4 million face masks to kids who attend underserved schools across the country. The partnership will also provide classroom supplies to over 100,000 schools, benefitting more than 50 millions students. Learn more about Serena’s work here.


Shane Ryan



In addition to being a social activist, author, and speaker, Shane Ryan is the Global Executive Director of the Avast Foundation whose mission is to protect the digital lives and freedom of people online by creating opportunities for positive change. For more than 25 years, Shane has been an expert in ethical leadership, male wellness and diversity initiatives. He was instrumental in supporting families who lost their homes and loved ones after the 2017 Grenfell Disaster in the UK, and has directed millions to support black organizations and social impact in the digital space. Learn more about Shane and his work here.


Takema Robinson



Takema Robinson – Takema Robinson is the CEO and founder of Converge, a consulting firm that partners with organizations to advance equity through strategic philanthropy. With more than 20 years’ experience in this space, Takema has been instrumental in securing more than $50 billion in philanthropic investments worldwide. A mother of two, Takema delivered a one-pound baby at 24 weeks during her second pregnancy which threatened her life and the life of her son. The near-death experience fueled her to help start the National Birth Equity Collaborative which works to decrease birth inequity for Black women across the United States. Learn more here.


Tokiwa Smith



Tokiwa T. Smith founded SEM Link Inc. to encourage students in one Atlanta middle school to pursue careers in STEM through exposure and engagement. Since its inception in 2005, more than 15,000 K-12 students have participated in SEM Link’s programming. With more than 17 years of experience in academia, government, and philanthropy, Tokiwa is also the Principal of Tokiwa T. Smith Consulting and Principal Consultant of Kemet Educational Services – a STEM educational consulting firm. Learn more about Tokiwa’s work with SEM Link here.


Trabian Shorters



Trabian Shorters is the CEO and Founder of BMe, which provides financial support, professional services, and partnership to build racial equity without stigma. To date the organization has helped 2,000,000 families, invested $3,000,000 in seed funding, and raised $76,000,000. Trabian is also the foremost leader in a cognitive framework called Asset-Framing for Equity. This strategy equips partners to make stronger cases for equity and systemic change. Learn more about Trabian’s work here.


Trae Tha Truth



Houston, Texas native Trae Tha Truth, is a rapper, activist, and humanitarian. In 2009, Trae founded Angels by Nature which strives to uplift the Houston community. The organization provides relief around living conditions, education, natural disasters, food insecurity, and healthcare. The organization has assisted more than 7,500 families and has provided $1.5 million in basic needs. Trae received the Change Maker Award at the 2021 Billboard Music Awards. The award honors those individuals who are socially conscious, politically aware, active in their community, and charitable with time, money, or influence to improve the lives of others. Learn more about Trae Tha Truth’s work here.


Will Cordery



Will Cordery is the founder and principal of Freedom Futures and a consultant with Leverage Philanthropic Partners. Both social impact firms work to advance justice through transformative capacity building. Throughout his career, Will has directed millions of new dollars back to Black and Native American communities and works tirelessly to advance racial justice and economic justice, LGBTQI rights, and progressive policies. Learn more about Will’s work here.

Philanthropy Unbound/Unboxed Philanthropy is a full-service advisory and consulting firm. We design and implement impactful philanthropic products and strategies that foster systemic change by stretching beyond the typical parameters of what society thinks is possible.